Seattle Fishing Charters Lingcod Fishing on 4/11/17
Captain Steve Kesling worked with National Marine Fisheries researchers Kelly Andrews and Gary Longo today, fishing Puget Sound marine area 9 for rockfish and lingcod. This is part of an ongoing dna sampling and bi-catch study. We were joined by volunteer angler Chris Boucher. Chris is a retired marine biologist and avid fisherman with his own boat out of the Port of Edmonds. Videographer Andy Whitaker of Seattle filmed and shot stills of our expedition and we will post a video once edited.
First we collected flatfish for bait. The sanddab and rock sole were caught fairly quickly and we were off to predetermined fishing locations. At each site we fished with only one specific type of bait, jigs, mooched herring, or live bait. The sites were far apart and we fished each for about 1.5 to 2 hours. All total we caught 10 lingcod, 5 rockfish and one cabazon. Of the 5 rockfish 2 appeared to be a very unique hybrid of yellow striped copper rockfish. 3 lingcod were retained for scientific analysis while the other 7 were sampled, weighted , measured and tagged. Be on the lookout for those tags, record the tag number and call the phone number on the tag.
The next scheduled fishing day is this coming Friday. We are still taking Volunteer Anglers on our sign up list. If you are interested please visit our Facebook home page for more information.