Seattle Fishing Charters will have a pink salmon season in 2017.
Seattle fishing Charters will fish for pink salmon in 2017.
Pink salmon, also called “humpy” salmon, only return to Puget Sound on odd numbered years. These are a two year old fish and though not a large fish, at 3-6 pounds, they can return in great numbers. The WDFW has forecasted about 1.2 million pinks to return to central Puget Sound in 2017. Pink salmon are a schooling fish and can provide a lot of hot action for seattle fishing charters in marine waters. Multiple hook ups and limits of fish are common. Pinks gather in great numbers in marine areas 9 and 10 where they stage before entering rivers to spawn.
Prime fishing time will be from mid August through mid September. Pink salmon prefer a slower troll than other species and have a preference for pink lures. Many seattle fishing charters prefer a bubble gum pink mini squid behind a white glow/pearlescent flasher. The use of scent is helpful with these fish. Shrimp scent is a good choice. Pinks have soft mouths and most hooked fish that are lost is due to the hook pulling out. This can be lessened with the use of softer rods and large 5/0 single siwash hooks that get a better bite on the fish. Playing the fish a bit lighter also helps. Pinks are known for going crazy right at boatside and with multiple hook ups having two landing nets handy is helpfull.
Seattle salmon fishing seasons are expected to be much better than last year. This is due in part to improving ocean conditions and better survival of juvinile salmon.You can find more information hereĀ Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.
Proper care of sport caught salmon:
Pink salmon have a very high oil content. They make an excellent smoked salmon ad are good fresh but do not freeze well. Home canning is another option. Fish that are to be kept should be whacked then immediately bleed on both gills and deeply iced right away. This is a good practice with all fish but especially important with pinks.
Jensen’s Old Fashioned Smokehouse in Seattle does an excellent job of smoking fish.